Some of my favorite birds are the ones whose markings are the most subtle, like the junco and white-throated sparrow at below right. The WT sparrow has the obvious white patch at the throat, but so does a house sparrow. The difference is the little yellow eye dot, if you look closely, and the striped crown.
In this group is another favorite -- the sweetest little songbird, the song sparrow. They're small and solitary; I almost never see more than one at a time, scratching on the ground, never at the feeder. When they're out on the power line in front of the house in summer they sing up a storm, a beautiful liquid, melodius trill. They have the same soft brown sparrow coloring but they are noticeably more streaked, all the way down on the breast. They also have a striped crown.
The more colorful varieties are very familiar, like the cardinal, although I, of course, like the muted colors of the female. They are very elegant, whereas the male is brilliant. Today I also got the titmouse and curious downy woodpecker, but I was not quick enough to snap the Carolina wren or nuthatch. I usually get two or three goldfinches, with as many as six scrapping with each other at the four-perch feeder.
My heart is like a singing birdIt's a very simple poem, but one of the most beautiful lyrics in the language. It reminds me of that song sparrow singing in the hedge in summer.
Whose nest is in a watered shoot...