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Plague Doctor |
So we’ve hurtled on to the 21st Century in the midst of global pandemic, knowing far more precisely where it came from and how it spreads, and yet a great many Americans aren’t convinced that shops should close, and people should stay away from one another – and maybe that should include gathering at churches. Apparently, some adherents got off track super-early in the Bible when they read Cain’s sneery, defensive reply to God on the whereabouts of Abel. Since God put a protective mark on the lout for doing his brother in, well, perhaps the wrong lesson was learned.
Hanging around the Internet comments and listening to the increasingly phantasmagoric national briefings, I’ve arrived at one possible explanation. The lazy way out of thinking scientifically and acknowledging the inevitability of really rotten truths is to believe in Magic. We are sotted by it. We toss essential spiritual teachings out the window in favor of the miraculous and magical elements of our various religions. Taking care of the old, sick, and poor? Loving peace, hating war? Forget all that rot, and get on with the water-into-wine and sea-partings.
Not just God, the Devil, and the entire cast and characters of Paradise Lost, but we’re accompanied daily by all of the unseen world: ghosts, fairies, guardian angels, witches, evil spirits, Sasquatches, aliens, and demons. Contemporary Knights Templar are just loitering in the cafes of Rome and Paris, drinking espressos and planning the Apocalypse (the big loud one – not this crappy, slow, dumb one).
Scholars more clever than I could make a good argument that the mass of people now are as much in thrall to magic and the supernatural as at any time in the Middle Ages. After all, you can “prove” literally anything simply by posting a manipulated image or video, creating a bot to do your bidding, or grossly enhancing your personal appeal on Tinder. And someone will believe it. Magic!
Magical thinking makes viruses “just disappear one day” even while there are billions of readily available hosts to propagate it. It makes the greedy and callous believe that death will come only for those other people who they believe are expendable.What, me worry? Brave protesters who normally love to arrive at Confederate statues or Second Amendment rallies masked and geared up, all of a sudden experience a serious violation of their civil rights when it’s suggested a mask might serve a salutary purpose in public. Okay, that last one isn’t magical thinking, it’s just the plain old stupid. But magical thinking does make you believe you’re a Constitutional scholar.
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Photograph: Seth Herald/Reuters |
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Image: Colleen Hayes / NBC | 2019 NBCUniversal Media, LLC |
Lest I sound like a total killjoy, realize that I like a lot of magical things myself. My reading life would be an arid wasteland without it. My favorite miraculous event is spontaneous combustion. So whimsical and sanitary. I have a list of targets in my head. And yet, not one single occurrence in real life. NOT ONE, despite what Dickens' described as the unfortunate fate of Mr. Krook in Bleak House:
The cat has retreated close to it and stands snarling, not at them, at something on the ground before the fire. There is a very little fire left in the grate, but there is a smouldering, suffocating vapour in the room and a dark, greasy coating on the walls and ceiling.I also want us to solve the problem of intergalactic travel, because I’m betting there are some extraterrestrials out there with better ideas. They probably have universal health care. I like elves and changelings, haints and spirits. But I don’t look to any of them coming to my aid, or alternatively, causing me harm.
We are a world awash in the unseen. Is it any wonder that an unseen virus gets the same magical treatment? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some spells to cast.
This is a left wing propaganda piece....
This is a left wing propaganda piece.
One thing I admired about you when we shared so many literature classes was your intellect. I see that someone has come to this blog before me claiming this is a left-wing propaganda piece. Knowing you from Campbell University so long ago, I give you a lot more credit than that. You thought about this. However, the thought was a bit one-sided. It fails to account for the countless misdirection - deliberate - enacted by the organizations and institutions we had trusted before a terrible power struggle ensued within our political structure.
There was a lot of gray area involved in the origins of Covid-19, the severity of Covid-19, just how appropriate the response to a pandemic that just didn't warrant the draconian measures taken against not just the American people, but also people all over the world, and finally the reasons everything went down the way it did. In retrospect, it turns out that many of the conspiracy theories turned out to be correct, and we seem to uncover even more as time continues to march on.
There are so many things I could go into, but this is a comment, not my blog piece (I do have a Substack if you are interested - The Court of the Pumpkin King). I will point out two things, which were made clear to me after the publication date of this article. First, many small businesses were shut down, not for the sake of public health as was the official narrative, but to drive those businesses out of the various markets. One small business owner was ordered to shut down her online store even though she was not doing business face-to-face from her shop. Cops came to her store and told her she could not even do business online. If it was about keeping our distance from each other, why was this business proprietor being shut down? Second, public protest violating social distancing orders were lauded by Democrat politicians after the death of Saint Floyd, but if a kid was out in the sun (which the CDC recommended was the absolute best defense against Covid-19), he was trying to kill gramma. California was the worst with this. Governor Gavin Newsome ordered at least one skate park filled in with sand. This despite the CDC recommendation that outdoors was the safest place to protect oneself from the virus, as Vitamin D is essential to build resistance against viral infections of this variety. It was the June declarations that "racism is the real pandemic" that opened my eyes to it. Before Saint Floyd, I was as concerned as everyone else, researching as much as I could about what would end the nightmare. But at the end of the day, it turns out that as scary as the virus was considering the functions Dr. Fauci's research added to a cold virus, it did not justify the draconian measures that were taken against the American people in the US nor anyone around the world.
I look forward to more of your blog, and I hope you don't think I'm trying to do any kind of "Well, akshually" thing with you. I expect that your intellect is as keen as ever and will consider doing some research of your own to match against your sense-making organ because you are a high-order thinker. There was a lot of nuance to the Covid-19 pandemic, and though some of it was quite terrifying, much of it was sadly about politics and power over the American people.
God bless, S.B. Frye.
Hey, Mike! So glad to hear from you. Thanks for the thoughtful response. Oh, I was mad when I wrote this! I was very concerned about the health of my older parents and relatives before much was known and vaccines weren’t available. While I acknowledge the usual proclivities of many opportunists to take advantage of any situation no matter how dire, I also think there were - and are -many public servants acting with an abundance of caution for the public good. I do not submit my thinking to any particular “wing.” I’m not much of a joiner.😀 As you might have noticed, I’m not even a very regular blogger. I hope you’re well. Best to you.
Thanks for filling me in on what’s been going on with you. I’ll definitely try to get back to the blog. I’ve at least got to update my Presidential bios project.
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